March 21, 2008


May 15, 2006

Oh my. So I met my tour group last night. Apparently GAP Adventures stands for Geriatric Adventures Plus. This was advertised as a youth backpacking adventure tour, and unless “youth” has come to be defined as “over 68 but still breathing” I have been led astray. I don't know what to do. My roommate is a grandmother (no offense to the grandmothers on this list, I'm sure you're all great travellers as well as roommates). One couple is well into their 70s, though quite sprightly I must say. And the rest are retired, though not quite yet elderly. Ahhhhh! I was not expecting this. There is one possible saving grace in my group, a 26 year old guy named Steve from England. During our orientation meeting we just kept looking around at the room and then looking at each other in despair. He better be VERY funny.

Our first group meeting featured a very long discussion on the expected temperature in the bus we'll be taking today. What to do if the bus is cold? If the temperature fluctuates? The panic! Temperature concerns were compounded by a more generalized anxiety as well. Everyone in the room was taking notes furiously while our guide gave us our basic introduction. On either side of me people were writing down everyone's names, as well as an array of superfluous details about the next three weeks. I wanted to say, people, we are going to be together for weeks on end, and there are very few of us, and we will learn each other's names! We will sort this out! This travel development pains me. Although this morning a newly-wed couple came to the hotel, apparently joining our group late, so maybe they will lower the average age to 58 or so.

Nicola, Andrea, Craig, Rob, and Kezza (all my past favorite international travel companions) I would pay to have you join my tour!! I miss you! Nic, the new woman's name is Nicola, so I've decided she will be my friend, even though I think this is her honeymoon.

On another note, I just passed a hotel called "Trust Me". That made me laugh. I read in "The Gift of Fear" that you should be immediately suspicious of strangers telling you to trust them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow, this group looks WILD!